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Friday, August 6, 2010

Lego- offensive? Heck yeah!

A few weeks back I purchased a package of Creative Imaginations Lego epoxy stickers to use on a name frame for Ethie's six birthday. He loves legos, especially the guys and construction stuff, so I thought it would be a great theme for his frame. Now, I did NOT look too closely at the stickers in the store, and when I sat down to make the frame I was BAFFLED by one of the stickers. And the more I thought about it, the madder and crabbier I got.

Legos are made for kids. The stickers are either going to be used BY kids or FOR kids. Right?
I don't understand why this sticker was even considered, much less made and sold.

I did end up cutting it apart and using the top in a card for Ethie. Here is the card:

Then when I realized how mad I was, I scanned in the parts and reassembled the sticker to show you:

Is there ANY reason a child would need this sticker? It is stupid and offensive.


Edited to add:

I was so crabby I sent a letter to the maker (they didn't have any email contact info online) and emailed both Crafts Direct (where I bought the stickers) and Lego this morning. I am pleased to report that Crafts Direct has already responded, agreeing with me, and they are complaining to Creative Imaginations AND pulling the rest of the stickers off the sales floor. WOW! I am so impressed with the fast response! Way to go Crafts Direct! They already were my fave craft store! The email explained that they often buy complete product lines without seeing each individual item, so they were not aware of the sticker. Yay Crafts Direct!


  1. Male privilege at it's finest. I bet if you wrote to the company that made the stickers, or to the company that makes/sells lego, they'd respond with, "uh, what's offensive?" or some corporately worded equivelant.

    At least you were able to salvage the sticker and make a nice card.

  2. This is a weird thing! You are at least good to complain, I would have to say that I am lazy and would have just used the man part and cut off the rest. Keep us posted on what else happens with the responses. Laur

  3. Wow. I'm glad you cut that part off- it would have been a weird thing to explain to Ethan. ;) Glad you contacted people about it.

  4. Wow. That is a fast response! You are a good sort of consumer - I fear I am the lazy sort.
